Welcome to Defying Gravity, a semi-realistic natural horse rpg!
There are no mutations, magic, or rainbow ponies here; the horses of the Homelands must carve out a life for themselves by their wits and strength alone. We have no cannons or "site-wide plot" to speak of as we've found that there are a ton of creative people out there and when our members are left to their own devices the plots stay fresh and fun for everyone. So if you're looking for a laid back site with no so called "unique" plot you must adhere to, Defying Gravity just might be the place for you!!
December 29, 2013
NEW SKIN FOR NEW TIMES!! Come back, guys! We're ready to start anew!! :D
Le Hud
Year VI
This summer's a hot one!! Things might get a little dicey for those on the south end of the Homeland who aren't used to temperatures above 70 or 80 F. Coldbloods beware!!
the layout was made by zenat from lspa, ote, and btn. codes were taken from support boards andw3schools. the banner was found on zerochan and edited by zenat. character and everything else belong to their owners. smiley icons located in the cbox are courtesy of iNekox3 on deviantart.com. art is courtesy of its respective artist. if there is something that is yours here, but it isn't credited for, please contact an admin and we will immediately add you to the credits.
So I was here ages ago but i'm trying to get back into the swing of things. Although I will only be able to deal with a couple of threads at a time i'm in need of plots but most importantly I need to know if my previous plots are now void.
So if you were plottig with me before I left I would love you if you ould let me know if you have decided on something else.
If you were not plotting with me before and would like to the only character I really have is Diego my short tempered, somtimes violet, secretive, cocky and protective stallion. He rules Arcarian Rage currently a place that I will be trying to get active again. Diego tends to do a lot of force claiming mares and forc breedig is something he doesn't mind doing as well. He could really do with new members for his herd as well as a second in command....he won''t care if the horse is as twisted as him.
I removed my mare Zephyrine (mostly so I could play her mom again without feeling awkward) so whatever we were going to do with her is gone...
I think I would like for my mare Aeroth to meet Diego though( I really don't know what else to do with her, and I want to figure out her personality a bit more)
At the moment the only other mare is his future mate Saeren although im not sure if silver is even going to want to kepe that plot going *facepalm* okay so if we ca get a thread up we shall make a start o that then:) I ca throw a thread up but it might take some while -.-"